Safe, anonymous peer support

Connect with millions of students from around the world to talk about the ups and downs of life.

No judgement, just real conversations with a global community of students like you.

  • Instant support, even at 2am in the morning
  • Post, instant chat, groups, journalling & wellness
  • Your anonymous safe place, with 24/7 real-time moderation
  • Speak to a therapist right away if you are struggling

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  • You can sign up now using your email address. You will need to verify your account, you will only need to do this once

TalkCampus is a safe student community to talk about whatever’s on your mind. Life isn’t always easy and no one should struggle alone. This is your space to share ups and downs, anytime of day or night.

Sign-up today for peer support in your pocket.

Student life can be tough, you don’t need to go it alone.

Download TalkCampus today

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Open Day - February

01/02/25, 10:00 - 14:00
Isle of Wight College