Student Hub
Student Engagement Coaches
Your Student Engagement Coach (formerly student mentor) will help you settle into College life and support you during your studies. Your SEC will inform, advise and guide you with any issues you may experience during your time at College which may impact on your learning and if necessary refer you on to an appropriate external agency for further help.
They will also support your progression into Higher Education, onto another College course or into employment. If you are unsure of your options or require further support they may refer you to the College Careers Adviser, Linda Stone.
Student Support is available to all students of any age. You can visit and chat with a Student Engagement Coach about any issue that is a barrier to your education. We can help you access specialist help and advice when you are not sure which way to turn.
- Claire Rixon
- Sam Whitehead
- Catherine Sawkins
Contact Student Support on 01983 550687 or e-mail or just pop into the Student Hub (located by reception) and ask for a Student Engagement Coach.
The College fully recognises its responsibilities for protecting Young People and Adults with Care and Support needs and as such has a named member of the Senior Management Team, Samantha Rooney. Samantha is the college Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), the college also have a Head of Safeguarding and Student advocacy, Michelle Campbell. Michelle is one of the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead’s at the college and in practice works most closely with young people. The college have a Safeguarding policy which applies to all staff, governors and volunteers working in the College.
The College will:
- Establish a safe working environment in which students can learn and develop and where they feel secure and are listened to
- Ensure that students know there are staff in the College who they can approach if they are worried
The Isle of Wight College safeguarding policy draws upon a number of relevant government and local policy and procedures and is developed in line with the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Partnership.
Wellbeing and Mental Health
Online mental health support
The Isle of Wight Youth Trust is a local charity dedicated to supporting children and young people age 5-24 on the Isle of Wight. You can contact them by phone 01983 529569 or email
You can also contact the Samaritans by phoning for free on 116 123. They “offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you”.
Alcohol and Drugs
Do you have issues with drugs or alcohol?
The College work closely with Inclusion (previously known as IRIS).
Students can discuss any issues they may be experiencing with substances, drugs and alcohol.
Following a referral, you may be offered an appointment on a one-to-one basis to offer support, guidance and information. These appointments can take place at the College if you prefer.
You can contact Student Services by emailing for further information.
Parents with a child suffering from an addiction may also get confidential advice and support from Talk to Frank (telephone 0300 123 6600).
LGBTQ+ support
Student Services offer helpful, friendly and supportive advice and guidance and can help with any questions or issues you may have, please contact Student Services to arrange a confidential appointment.
Pride Alliance: Informal group for students who identify as LGBTQ+ and their friends to meet new people and chat.
For help and support outside of college, contact Breakout Youth