
Year 1 of programme
A full time package consists of three days a week at college developing knowledge and skills across topic areas of Life skills, Work skills, Maths & English and Wellbeing.
The programme follows the principles of the Preparing for Adulthood specification with links to community inclusion and possible progression to our college BKSB maths and English system for learners suited to this.
The development emphasis will be on the learner settling into college expectations, gaining basic independence skills and building confidence.

Year 2 of programme
Some learners may need additional time on the programme to get to this stage.
The learner maintains a full time package following the principles of the Preparing for Adulthood specification with links to community inclusion and progression to our college BKSB maths and English system for learners suited to this.
The development emphasis will be on the learner fulfilling the standards of a full time college student, developing initial independence skills across various areas cookery, money management and work skills roles.

Year 3 of programme
Some learners may need additional time on the programme to get to this stage.
A full time package is offered to the learner with potential to links into our sister course ‘Foundation learning’ for those ready to progress. Some learners can gain accreditation in functional skills for those who have been part of the BKSB system.
The attention will be on the learner having achieved independence to the best of their abilities, problem solving techniques and carrying out a range of internal work experience tasks to prepare for employment.

Year 4 of programme
Some learners may need additional time on the programme to get to this stage.
Learners attend college three days a week which will involve higher focus on maths and English development and completing an array of internal work skills and offsite work experience in the week. This can include catering opportunities, stock checks, customer service, site maintenance and other industry areas suited. Learners will be able to work for periods of time unsupported within the college campus, and start to demonstrate a willingness to work and progress.
Learners can have the opportunity to develop travel training skills to their work place during this period of the programme.

Final years of programme
Some learners may need additional time on the programme to get to this stage.
Learners will be spending more time at work placement than in college lessons with an emphasis on commitment to supported work placements, out of term time as well as during term time. Learners will be able to demonstrate maturity, commitment, independence, focus and determination to progress.