Welcome to Pathways

Pathways courses are for people who have learning difficulties, physical disabilities and additional sensory impairments.

There are no formal entry requirements, but you will be invited to college for an interview.

The programme can be up to 16.5 hours a week, spread across the week over three days.

The majority of lessons take place in our purpose built Pathways building with a sensory room, accessible kitchen, and assistive flat.

All classes are small and well supported.

Pathways building small

Pathways courses will help you to develop skills needed to prepare you for adulthood. It will cover independent living, employment, social, emotional, well-being and math & English skills.

Learners also have the opportunity to take part in work experience as part of their programme of study.

Students can progress on to other college courses or into employment, supported employment opportunities or voluntary work.

All students have personal targets to work towards which are taken from their Educational Health and Care Plan outcomes. Learners are assessed continuously through a process called Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement (RARPA). Some students may be able to take qualifications if appropriate.

There are tuition and material fees for this course; however, tuition fees will be waived if you are 16 – 18yrs. If you are over 19 yrs then course fees will apply, but there is no charge for young people who hold an EHCP. All learners can be assessed to see if they are entitled to Student Financial Support from the college to help pay their material fees. Some learners may also be entitled to free college meals. There will be occasions where certain fees may apply, such as for ingredients in a cooking class or for some extra curricular activities.

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Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about our pathways provision, please ring or email Bryony Willett (01983 550 807)