Study Type
Part Time
Study Level
Level 5
Start Date:
60 weeks

Course Sheets

Entry requirements

View The Isle of Wight College's standard entry requirements for full-time college courses (depending on the level of the course to be studied).

You must have the following entry requirements:

  • GCSE English and maths (or level 2 equivalent)
  • A level 3 qualification in the subject you wish to teach
  • Clear DBS
  • Minimum of 50 hours teaching per year
Who the course is for
This course is for those who are already in a teaching position or would like to be teaching in the post-16 sector, but do not have a teaching qualification. This recognised teaching qualification enables industry professionals to become a qualified further education teacher. The course encourages you to develop subject-specific knowledge by working closely with your course tutors and work-based subject mentors.
What you will learn

The course is split into four modules that are studied over two years.


Year 1 focuses on developing you as a teaching practitioner. This involves learning about teaching concepts and developing practical skills in planning and delivering lessons to a high standard, as well as assessing students. This will be delivered and assessed via the following two modules:


Module 1.1
Planning, Assessing and Evaluating Teaching and Learning Programmes: this module encourages you to understand how to organise and plan your teaching and learning sessions and use different assessment methods, as well as start developing your own personal and professional skills.


Module 1.2
Theories and Principles for Planning and Enabling Learning in a Specialist Subject Area: in this module you will examine a range of teaching and learning theories, learn how to plan and develop inclusive learning into your lessons and understand how to use a range of communication and classroom management skills.


Year 2 is designed to enable you to establish a wider knowledge of the further education sector. You will research contemporary issues which are affecting further education as well as continuing to hone your teaching practice. This will be delivered and assessed via the following two modules:


Module 2.1
Professional Practice: this module encourages you to review the development of your personal and professional skills, develop a career management file and research into a specific area of your teaching.


Module 2.2
Curriculum Design in a Specialist Subject Area: in this module you will learn about the range of contexts in which education and training are offered, analyse theories and models of curriculum design and understand how to promote equality within practice.

How you will learn
Teaching aims to demonstrate good practice and therefore employs a range of styles which include seminars, workshops, lectures and active group participation. Your time in class will develop your skills and knowledge to inform your own teaching practice and help to develop your own teaching style. The emphasis throughout the course is on inclusive learning and teaching combined with reflective practice within a teacher’s own specialist subject area.
Work placement

This Certificate in Education provides the skills and knowledge to pursue teaching roles in further education environments, including:

  • Further education colleges
  • Sixth-form colleges
  • Private training providers
  • Public services
  • Voluntary organisations

There may be a cost for purchasing equipment or uniform for this course. Find out about financial support available.

Qualifications you will get
A Certificate in Education at Level 5 – awarded by the University of Portsmouth.
Additional information
This is an evening course and you need to ensure you apply to the University of Portsmouth, by using the online form above.

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