Study Type
Full Time
Study Level
Level 1
Start Date:
36 weeks

Course Sheets

Entry requirements
Who the course is for
Students who want to get started with studying Computing topics, with the aim of establishing a career path. It will also suit students who want to explore Computing as an option.
What you will learn
The students will be helped to identify career goals, and how they might be achieved. They will learn through the completion of practical, technical tasks. The unit requires the completion of 3 units of study. Each unit will be assessed using assignments. In addition, students who have not yet achieved a grade 4 or better in English and/or maths will complete studies in the required subjects.

There may be a cost for purchasing equipment or uniform for this course. Find out about financial support available.

Qualifications you will get
BTEC Introductory Certificate in Vocational Studies - a skills-based qualification designed to help learners develop the personal and social skills needed to help them to progress to independent living, future employment or further vocational study

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