Study Type
Full Time
Study Level
Level 2
Start Date:
36 weeks

Course Sheets

Entry requirements

View The Isle of Wight College's standard entry requirements for full-time college courses (depending on the level of the course to be studied).

4 GCSEs at Grade D/3 or above including English and Maths are required although account will be taken of other experience and qualifications; equally important are your enthusiasm, commitment and your willingness to work hard on all areas of the course. You will have the opportunity to show any existing work at the interview stage.
Who the course is for
he OCR Level 2 Diploma in Art and Design is a broad-based course, allowing students to explore different subject skills so that they can find out more about their creative talents. You will learn how to produce a range of work through a variety of assignments and practical projects that will be based on industry standard practice within in the art and design sector. This is important because it allows you to get to know more about the industry and possible careers within it. The most important thing you need is a lively and enquiring mind, a growing interest in art and design with a willingness to explore new ideas along with the enthusiasm to learn how to communicate your ideas effectively.
What you will learn
The course covers a broad range of Art and Design skills. Even if you have a passion for just one of the areas, it is still important at this stage in your creative journey to explore other areas within the industry. Why? Because other skills, such as drawing, understanding how to use colour and techniques in print making or learning the different aspects that go into making a film can really improve your knowledge of the sector. You will find a lot of areas across the creative industry overlap. It is about learning how to use these new skills to you advantage. There are very few areas of modern living that do not involve the role of an artist, designer or media specialist, from the products we buy to the entertainments we view. The course will introduce you to different progression routes within the subject, and provide a good basis to go on to a more advanced work-related qualification. In addition, you will learn and practice key employability skills such as, teamwork, interview techniques and presentation skills. The course will also help you improve your verbal and written communication skills.
How you will learn

You will generate work through practical projects, workshops, online delivery, and where possible engagement with industry, helping you to develop a portfolio of work that link with your progression goal(s).   

You will also be: 

  • Taught by industry experienced tutors and you will work in the modern, mature, creative and exciting environment of Art and Design at the Isle of Wight College.  
  • Asked to engage with, and work in, areas you may not have considered or explored before.  This is important because it will help you discover new strengths and talents you never knew you had.   
  • Encouraged to take risks with your creative thinking and output. This will help you capitalise on those happy accidents from which we learn so much.
  • Challenged to develop your creative potential and encouraged to challenge yourself, so that your personal creative development can continue outside of the classroom.  
  • Supported in the development of your self confidence in both your work and the way you think.  Students often under estimate the impact this positive development can have on both them and their work. 
Work placement
There may be opportunities to take on an industry placement with local companies. The department has excellent links to local industry and we have a range of work experience opportunities available to students to enable them to enhance their skills and knowledge of the industry. You will get the opportunity to work to live briefs for external clients and to develop your technical, communication and production management skills.
The qualification is equivalent to four GCSEs grades 4-9. Students gaining one of these qualifications, will have access to a range of career and further education opportunities. Many students choose to pursue their studies with a Level 3 qualification in Art and Design, Photography, Graphic and Digital Design or Creative Media Practice, before either looking for employment or progressing to study a degree at University or College within the creative industries. To progress onto a level 3 course you will need a minimum of a merit grade at level 2.
here is a materials fee for a small kit of item that will be very useful to the course. Details of this list and how to pay, will be sent to you prior to enrolment. If there are opportunities for trips there may be costs as required.
Qualifications you will get
After one year of successful study you will get a Diploma in Art and Design, equivalent to four GCSEs grades 4-9. Students gaining one of these qualifications, will have access to a range of career and further education opportunities. Many students choose to pursue their studies with a Level 3 qualification in Art and Design, Photography, Graphic and Digital Design or Creative Media Practice, before either looking for employment or progressing to study a degree at University or College within the creative industries. To progress onto a level 3 course, you will need a minimum of a merit grade at level 2.
Additional information

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Your work will be internally assessed through a programme of assignments and externally moderated. Your programme of study will include: 

  • Exploring the work of artists and designers 
  • Exploring graphic design and illustration  
  • Exploring photography 
  • Exploring self-image 
  • Introduction to creative media methods and skills 
  • Exploring fashion and textiles 
  • Introduction to production techniques in creative media 
  • Realising art and design ideas