Being an apprentice gives you the opportunity to gain a recognised qualification and develop professional skills, while earning a salary, inside some of the Isle of Wight and Britain’s best companies.

How much do apprentices earn?

The minimum wage for Apprentices is £4.81 per hour although many employers pay above this rate.

I don’t have any qualifications – can I still study an apprenticeship?

Yes, although some Apprenticeships will have a minimum entry requirement. This will vary depending on the type of Apprenticeship you would like to do.

However, if you do not currently meet the entry criteria we can help you gain these skills and qualifications through our Insights department which can then help you progress to a full Apprenticeship.

I already have a job, can I study an apprenticeship there?

Yes. If you employer agrees then you can study an Apprenticeship in your current place of work as long as you can meet the range of criteria needed to complete the qualification. Contact us for more information.

Do I have to pay to be an apprentice?

No. Apprenticeship are employer sponsored and the fee’s are paid by the employer.

I have an employer who has offered me a position as an apprentice. What next?

Contact us at or call 01983 535202 and we can help you every step of the way.

Plumbing apprentices

What level apprenticeship is right for me?

All apprenticeships include elements of on the job and off the job training, leading to industry recognised standards or qualifications. All apprenticeships require an assessment at the end of the programme, called End Point Assessment, to assess the apprentice's ability and competence in their job role.

Our Assessor will discuss with you and your employer the right Apprenticeship level for you.



Equivalent educational level



5 GCSE passes at grades A* to C



2 A Level passes


4,5,6 and 7

Foundation degree and above


6 and 7

Bachelor’s or master’s degree

I am self-employed, can I become an apprentice?

No. Unfortunately, you will need to be employed and have a contract of employment to be classed as an Apprentice.

Am I too old to become an apprentice?

There is no age limit on becoming and Apprentice

Apprenticeship Resources

National Apprenticeship Service Supports, funds and co-ordinates the delivery of Apprenticeships throughout England.

Your Guide to Apprenticeships provides essential information and sources of further advice and support on Apprenticeships.

Automotive apprentice 3
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Open Day - February

01/02/25, 10:00 - 14:00
Isle of Wight College